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(877) 254-4429
President & CEO
Words to Live By: “What ever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again.”- Walt Disney
Have you sat in on one of Mark's webinars, conference lunch & learns, or LLIS Insurance Academy presentations? Chances are, you came back and saw him do it again.
Mark assumed the reigns of LLIS in 2012 after nine years learning the family business. He's built upon the foundation Judith established by adding more talented staff members and new technology. So that in addition to our proprietary client/advisor database and AIM messages that keep both client and advisor informed throughout the application process, we now offer APE emails (Advance Premium Email, alerting clients to upcoming premiums due), NOTE emails (Notification of Term Expiration, advising clients of term insurance conversion privileges coming soon), and a streamlined quote-to-application process on our new website, saving clients time and further protecting their confidential information.
His other family business involves his wife Leah, who joined TeamLLIS a few years ago; twelve-year-old Jay, who's into soccer and any book on sports; and ten-year-old Marie, who loves ballet with our own "Miss Ashley" and art.
What most people don't see him do is work out. Mark's at the YMCA at the crack of dawn before the sun is even up, when most normal people are still sleeping!
*Securities offered through Capital Investment Group, Inc., a Registered Broker/Dealer, and member FINRA and SIPC. 100 East Six Forks Road, Ste. 200, Raleigh, NC 27609. (919) 831-2370. LLIS is Independent of Capital Investment Group, Inc. Check the background of this investment professional on FINRA's BrokerCheck. Click here for Form CRS.
In the Words of an Advisor following a three-policy review for a client: “You’re the best.”