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Policy Matters

Third Quarter 2021


It’s been a year. And that’s an understatement. The average American has seen a full year decrease in life expectancy. Twelve whole months!

Like many things COVID-19-related, it’s an unknown how much that will continue to change, plus how the long-term effects of COVID-19 will evolve, especially in the long-haulers. Add to that the fact that actuarial tables are not quickly updated because of the nature of statistical data gathering and analysis.

But one thing is certain: These shorter life expectancies are affecting our nation (and others) both economically and socially, and increases in life settlement payouts can benefit your clients both economically and socially (particularly your 65+ clients). They are, in fact, the highest ever.

The life settlement industry has suffered from a PR problem: If people don’t know you exist, how do they know the value you bring that they might need? And there’s a tremendous lack of consumer awareness about this option for them to generate cash for their life insurance policies (most times more than the cash value and what the insurer will offer). An option that will allow them to stop paying premiums, pay off debt, take their dream vacation, or pay for end of life medical expenses.

What are the factors involved in a life settlement?

  • A client with an unwanted or unneeded life insurance policy (typically $250,000 or more, Universal Life or Convertible Term), typically in less-than-stellar health
  • A purchaser (institutional funders licensed to transact life settlements) who takes ownership of the policy and receives the death benefit later in exchange for money to the insured
  • Life expectancy
  • The policy’s death benefit
  • Premium costs
  • Cash value

Many years ago, we created a Life Settlements e-brochure for you and your clients. Take a look. It may be just what they need after this tumultuous year.

And check out how a life settlement recently helped one advisor’s client here.


Term Life Insurance | Low-Load Universal Life (Individual & Survivorship) | No Lapse Guaranteed Univeral Life (Individual & Survivorship) | Long Term Care Insurance | Disability Insurance | Critical Care Insurance | Low-Load Variable Annuity | Immediate and Fixed Annuities | Low-Load Variable Universal Life | Hybrid Life/LTCi | Hybrid Annuity/LTCi

(We recommend low-load permanent life insurance and annuities when possible)

(Not all policy types available in all states)

For a list of current providers, visit the Advisor Tools section of our website and click on "Insurance Companies We Work With".

NAPFA ACP Garrett Planning Network NAPFA XYPN BLatinX Internship Inc. Sponsor