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Policy Matters



  • Insurance companies listen to trusted insurance agents. Read about how a member of teamLLIS was able to change the way one insurance company treated recreational marijuana.
  • We have 6 remaining webinars this year. Click here for a full schedule and to register.
  • Did you know that you earn 1 CE for every LLIS webinar you attend? And it’s free!
  • We will be presenting/exhibiting at these industry events and hope you’ll stop by to see us:
    • August 1-4 Garrett Retreat (Broomfield, CO)
    • September 8-11 XYPNLive Conference (St. Louis, MO)
    • October 1-4 NAPFA Fall Conference (Chicago, IL)
    • November 12-15 ACP 2019 (San Diego, CA)
  • June is National Annuity Awareness Month. This publication by the American Council of Life Insurers is a valuable resource for you and your clients, and explains much of what LLIS does to ensure they are treated properly, guided appropriately, and get the right type of protection.
  • Sally Rotoli, who gave us 12 terrific years, has officially retired! Many of you worked with Sally as a case manager through the years for life and, most recently, disability coverage. We wish Sally all the best as she enjoys spending more time with her family in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and in her search to prove to us here at the office that Jersey peaches really are the best peaches.

Natalie presenting Sally with a rose “Bachelor-style.” The Bachelor is one of Sally’s favorite shows and we all know that she was at LLIS “for all the right reasons.”


Term Life Insurance | Low-Load Universal Life (Individual & Survivorship) | No Lapse Guaranteed Univeral Life (Individual & Survivorship) | Long Term Care Insurance | Disability Insurance | Critical Care Insurance | Low-Load Variable Annuity | Immediate and Fixed Annuities | Low-Load Variable Universal Life | Hybrid Life/LTCi | Hybrid Annuity/LTCi

(We recommend low-load permanent life insurance and annuities when possible)

(Not all policy types available in all states)

For a list of current providers, visit the Advisor Tools section of our website and click on "Insurance Companies We Work With".

NAPFA ACP Garrett Planning Network NAPFA XYPN BLatinX Internship Inc. Sponsor